Non-Expiring Badges

Non-expiring visitor badges are a simple, straightforward way to ensure your visitors are properly identified while on company premises

Apply thermally printed adhesive ID labels to reusable PVC badge backs, or print directly on thermal-printable clip-on tags. Simply print visitors’ names, authorized use date(s) and times—and any other pertinent information—and issue to visitors.

Several non-expiring badge styles are available:

  • Blank adhesive labels — for thermal-printed or handwritten tags—in a variety of colors.
  • Blank Thermal-printable clip-on tags.
  • Refine By Brand:
SKU: 04050
Per Pack: 1000
Sale Price: $67.25
Per Pack: 1000
Sale Price: $78.46
SKU: 03981
Per Pack: 1000
Sale Price: $109.64
SKU: 05863
Per Pack: 250
Sale Price: $36.76
SKU: non-exp-bdgs-roll
Per Pack: 1000
Sale Price: $63.00
SKU: 05661
Per Pack: 500
Sale Price: $77.28
SKU: 5826
Per Pack: 1
Sale Price: $121.45
SKU: 3934-0040
Per Pack: 100
Sale Price: $151.66
SKU: 817X
Per Pack: 200
Sale Price: $157.54


Visitor badges typically include pertinent information like:

  1. Visitor name.
  2. Host/sponsor name.
  3. Date of visit.
  4. Date issued and dates valid.
  5. Visitor’s company name.
  6. Validity code.
  7. Visitor type.

Other information that’s useful on visitor badges includes:

  1. Organization’s logo.
  2. Visitor’s first and last name.
  3. Visitor’s status or designation (e.g., visitor, client, contractor, interviewee, service tech, etc.).
  4. Date and time of check-in.
  5. Level of access.
  6. Visitor’s photo.
  7. A QR code for fast check-in and check-out.
  8. Additional icons such as “no camera.”
  9. Escorted or unescorted.

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