ID Card Printing Blog

How to Take Your Best Photo ID Badge Picture

January 04 2017  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How to Take Your Best Photo ID Badge Picture

Whether you’re the subject of the photo or the person behind the camera, there’s an art and science to taking the best photo ID pictures for use on security badges, driver’s licenses, passports, and other forms of photo ID. And whether you’re the subject or the photo taker, you want to present the best possible photo. Especially for company IDs that employees are required to wear, you want your company represented professionally, and that starts with a professional head shot for your photo ID badges.

2 Shortcuts That Will Cost You More in the Long Run

December 13 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

2 Shortcuts That Will Cost You More in the Long Run

You may think taking the following shortcuts will save you time and even money, but you’d be surprised what it might add up costing you in the end. If you have hundreds of ID cards to print that need to be attached to a lanyard, you understand the draw of pre-punched slot cards. Who has the time to hand-punch hundreds of cards? But this one little short cut can cause serious damage if you have a direct-to-card printer.

Is It Time to Trade In Your Old ID Card Printer?

November 10 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Is It Time to Trade In Your Old ID Card Printer?

If you’re like many businesses today, you rely on your ID cards for access control, authentication, and identification purposes. Any down-time in your current ID card printing system is a loss of productivity that has ramifications far beyond inconvenience. A common response is to wonder if it’s time to trade in your old ID card printer. Many of our customers ask us this important question for a variety of reasons.

What Proximity Card Should I Choose?

October 14 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

What Proximity Card Should I Choose?

Proximity cards give you an easy and affordable way to get secure access control for employees, students, contractors, or vendors. They’re read-only devices with an embedded antenna that allow card reader devices to pick up the data from a range between 2.5 inches to 20 inches, depending on the reader you choose. IDSecurityOnline offers you plenty of choices in proximity cards, which might make it difficult to decide. We’ll walk you through your options here to help you narrow it down to the best solution for your needs.

Are You Ready to Switch to Contactless Cards?

September 22 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Are You Ready to Switch to Contactless Cards?

If you are using magnetic stripe data in your ID security card system, there may be many advantages to switching to contactless cards, safety being the primary benefit. Especially for campuses, moving to a contactless card can give you the option of storing volumes of information and making global updates and changes to that information from a central location. In addition to ID cards, contactless technology can be used in keychain fobs, watches, and cell phones. 

How Do I Pick the Right Badge Reel?

September 14 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How Do I Pick the Right Badge Reel?

Retractable badge reels have become one of the most popular ways to both display ID security cards and still be able to swipe, scan, or read information on the card without having to remove the card from someone. Their small size makes them convenient to clip on your belt, a pocket, or some other piece of clothing for easy access. The retractable cord slides simply and easily in and out of the badge reel when you need to use your ID security card for access, to pay for something, or to show your credentials.

How Long Should My ID Card Printer Last?

August 10 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How Long Should My ID Card Printer Last?

The life expectancy of ID card printers can vary widely based on several variables that affect their performance. For example, how many cards you print annually, how often your print, and how often you service or maintain your ID card printer will have an effect on how long it will last. This is why no ID printer manufacturer will ever state how many cards their printer is expected to print over its lifetime. There are just too many things that can affect its longevity.

How to Get the Most Eco-Friendly ID Card Solution

August 03 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How to Get the Most Eco-Friendly ID Card Solution

All types of businesses, organizations, education systems, clubs, and many others use some form of a PVC card as either access control, identification purposes, membership access, hotel room keys, gift and loyalty cards, promotional purposes, and even gaming and casino cards. And that’s not even including the vast majority of credit cards, ATM cards, and other forms of payment cards.

How to Fix a Broken ID Card Printer Ribbon

July 14 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How to Fix a Broken ID Card Printer Ribbon

The first thing you need to know if you encounter a broken ID card printer ribbon is DON’T throw it away. Even if it’s torn and wrapped around the main card roller that’s under the print head, it can be salvaged and repaired so you can continue printing with it. Here’s what you need to do if your ribbon breaks.

How an ID Card Printer Can Enhance Your Customer Loyalty Program

July 07 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How an ID Card Printer Can Enhance Your Customer Loyalty Program

If you’ve already realized the benefits of creating a customer loyalty program, you know that research shows you can increase customer spending between 20% to 40% by using gift and loyalty cards. That’s enough of a ROI to consider adding an ID card printer to your program, but there are many more ways that a printer can enhance your customer loyalty program. 

How to Choose the Right Card for Your Security Needs

June 20 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

How to Choose the Right Card for Your Security Needs

There are as many options for choosing the right ID security card for your business as there are reasons for needing a way to keep employees, visitors, and tenants safe and secure. So how do you determine what the right choice is for all your security needs? We have a quick and easy guide to help you figure out exactly what you need.

Are You Cleaning Your Card Printer Enough?

June 03 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Are You Cleaning Your Card Printer Enough?

Like most investments, proper care and maintenance can prolong the life of your ID card printer. A proper cleaning can keep print quality high and reduces the likelihood of performance issues later on. 

But how often should you clean your printer?  

It’s generally recommended that you clean your ID card printer every 700 to 1,000 cards printed. Refer to your card printer manual for manufacturer-specific instructions, but this is a good guideline to follow. If you notice any of the following signs, however, you might need to clean your printer sooner rather than later. 

Quick Guide to ID Card Accessories

February 01 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Quick Guide to ID Card Accessories

ID cards and badges are important, they serve important functions, and we depend on them to make our way through important parts of each day. They do their job best when they’re used effectively.

An ID badge does what it does, but to work best, with maximum utility and function, the right accessories are key. What’s a badge without the accessories? Less than it is with its accessories.

ID cards and badges need to be easy to use, store, display, and protect.  They work best when be reliably attached to their person and easy to present–and, of course, when they’re not lost.

Comparing Zebra ID Card Printers — Which is Best Depends on Your Needs

January 04 2016  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Comparing Zebra ID Card Printers — Which is Best Depends on Your Needs

Zebra card printers are widely heralded for reliability and excellent print quality, and also offer a big selection of models and options–to accommodate users’ different card-production needs and budgets.

Zebra set out to create well designed ID card printers that meet you where you work, whether you’re printing cards in high volume or just on a regular basis, and whether you need high security smart cards or just the basics, and deliver the print quality, flexibility, and security you want within your budget.

Below are Zebra’s card printers’ primary features along with some useful comparative summaries for the high- and mid-range models.

Convenient Accessories and Cameras for Visitor Badges

December 17 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Convenient Accessories and Cameras for Visitor Badges

Getting the most out of your ID card system and printer means having the right accessories at hand. Creating visitor badges is one thing; ease of use, function and utility are another. You need to have the right badge- and card-related accessories to efficiently produce cards on the spot, provide card users the means (tools) to carry, wear and use them properly, and give your personnel the ability to easily spot expired temporary badges.
Proximity Card Basics

December 07 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Proximity Card Basics

Proximity cards (aka prox cards) are contactless read-only devices containing an antenna and integrated circuit embedded within the card itself–which contains the user's ID number and no other data (proximity cards can't hold any more data than a magnetic stripe card). The card can be “read” from a distance without inserting it into or passing it through a reader device. Cardholder data is instead read when the proximity card is passed within range of a reader–when briefly flashed near an electronic reader the number/data encoded in the card’s antenna is exchanged with the reader, identified and authenticated. The reader typically responds by beeping (indicating the card has been read) and signaling another device to permit access.
Cyber Monday deals are ON!

November 29 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Cyber Monday deals are ON!

Cyber Monday is here. It's time to get a new ID card printer or a new ID card system at an unbeatable price.

Sunday, November 29 to Wednesday, December 2, 2015


  • Get a FREE slot punch with any ID Card printer order with promo code CYBER
  • Magicard Pronto Single Sided Photo ID System - SKU: ProntoSystemSS: $799 with promo code CYBERPRONTO
  • Get ANY Photo ID System for the price of an ID Card Printer with promo code CYBERSYSTEM

Don't wait! Place your order now at or call 800-897-7024 to speak with an ID expert.


ID Card Security Features Available with Today’s ID Card Printers

November 18 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

ID Card Security Features Available with Today’s ID Card Printers

Most businesses and enterprises printing ID Cards are concerned about security at some level. What do we mean when we talk about “ID Card security”? Card issuers primarily want to protect identification, proximity and smart cards from fraudulent use and counterfeiting. ID card security features and technologies are designed to discourage fraud and misuse of ID cards.

When a card is issued the issuer wants to ensure the card is used by the actual person to whom it is issued for the purposes it is issued. Issuers don’t want cards to be used by anyone other than the cardholder, or for unauthorized purposes. The consequences of misuse can be significant and costly. Security features help ensure that the person using the card is the cardholder and that the card is used for an intended purpose. This limits organizational risk and enhances operational and financial control.

10 Questions to Ask that Identify Your ID Card Needs

November 05 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

10 Questions to Ask that Identify Your ID Card Needs

Okay, so you’re getting ready to buy an ID card printer, but you haven’t really thought much about what your ID card needs actually are, right? In fact, you don’t really even know where to begin. Don’t worry, you’re in good company. One thing we know for sure is that identifying your ID-card needs carefully and clearly really helps you make the right ID-card printer decision.

Today’s ID cards can be really basic (a photo and a couple of lines of information on one side) or quite sophisticated with data-storage and security features. Different ID-card printer models are designed for different needs, card volumes, applications and circumstances.

Shopping for the “Perfect” ID Card Printer

October 14 2015  |  By: IDSecurityOnline

Shopping for the “Perfect” ID Card Printer

If your organization finally needs its own ID card printer, don’t wait around for someone else to tell you which ID Card Printer is the greatest. You may be in for a long wait – at least when it comes to what’s great for your particular card-printing requirements. Don’t worry though, you can do this on your own without much effort.

Truth is, there isn’t an ID card printer that’s perfect for everyone, and ID-card printer sales pitches can miss the mark– or be confusing – in some material respect, unless you well understand your card-related needs before you start shopping. Fortunately, there are enough ID card printers available that the right one is there to meet your organization’s specific requirements. You just need to know what you’re looking for.