Zebra ZC350 1/2 YMCKO Color Ribbon - 400 images

Item#: 800350-370
Manufacturer: Zebra
Sale Price: $49.00
For use with: Zebra ZC350


The Half-panel YMCKO Ribbon for the ZC350 (item# 800350-370) includes Y, M, and C half panels and a full-size resin K and Overlay panels.

Half-panel ribbons allow you to print color on up to half of your cards, while resin black may be printed on any area of your card. You will get twice the standard ribbon yield than a standard YMCKO ribbon at a much lower cost per card.

This ribbon allows you to print 400 cards.

This Half-panel YMCKO Ribbon for the ZC350 (item# 800350-370) is for use with the Zebra ZC350 printers.

Genuine Zebra supplies meet stringent quality standards and are recommended for optimal printing quality and proper printer performance.

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