All our enterprisephoto ID systems come with everything that you need to issue high-quality cards and badges on demand.
Each enterprise photo ID system includes:
With our enterprise photo ID systems, you won’t have to worry about choosing the wrong ribbon or software for your applications. It even gets better since buying each item separately would cost more than our bundles.
You also get toll-free customer support to get answers to all your questions whenever you need it.
Our line of enterprise ID systems has been designed to issue highly-secure badges easily and affordably. To find the right solution for you, consider the following questions:
Do you need to print on one side or both sides of your cards?
If you are planning to print on one side of a card, choose an enterprise photo ID system with a single-sided card printer. If you need to print on both sides, go for an enterprise photo ID system with a duplex card printer. Duplex – or dual-sided – card printers will automatically flip your cards to print on both sides in one pass. This option allows you to include more information to your cards such as a schedule for student IDs or contact information for membership cards.
Do you need to print cards in high definition?
Some of our enterprise photo ID systems come with a retransfer card printer. Retransfer ID card printers use a different printing process to print ID cards. The card images are printed onto a clear film called retransfer film that is then fused onto the surface of the card. This process allows you to print “over the edge” of your cards, which means that you won’t have a white border around your printed cards. The result is stunning: superb, vivid colors for high-quality badges.
Enterprise photo ID systems are ideal to issue highly-secure, durable badges. They are already widely used for many applications: